Two weeks' worth of Weekly Winnings:

I know, start a new weekly feature and then skip two weeks. I didn't mean to do it! Only Good Friday did I plan to skip, but this last Friday, April 21, I found myself stymied by Google. I was locked out of my Blogger account! Miraculously, when I asked my office technical director, it worked. I'm back in. (Still don't understand it, but I don't care anymore)

A few highlights from the last two weeks:

Women and Ministry:

For several years, my family has supported a young lady in Kenya, much as you might hear about through Compassion or World Vision. But we sponsor her through East-West Ministries' Adopt-a-Legacy, a much smaller program for a specific area in Kenya. Our girl, Faith, is in her first year of university studies, so it is also our last year to support her financially. How I love getting emails from Faith! We are able to share our family with her and hear about her studies, her struggles, her joys. 
Christianity Today celebrates the impact of single women in the ministry of Bible translation over the last century:

In another pro-woman piece, CT features this thoughtful editorial on how smart girls benefit not just the workplace but the church.

On Twitter, #thingsonlychristianwomenhear—started as a question by Sarah Bessey—went viral, with women commenting about grievous experiences and/or words they encountered in the church. Amid the discouraging theme, a new counter-hashtag emerged,  #thingschristianwomenshouldhear, resulting in encouraging, life-giving thoughts about women in the church. 

Around the World:

April the Giraffe finally had her baby! The online live feed is down now, but here's the clip of the birth (trigger alert: Gross!)

Because a writer always cares about excellence in writing. Pulitzer Prize winners were announced on April 6: 

Chaos in the Air:

After the United Airlines fiasco when an overbooked flight resulted in a man being forcibly removed from the plane, the internet had a field day with memes. A collection of the funniest here

Unfortunately, American Airlines recently endured a similar scenario. Tough times for airline attendants (and passengers)!

Music highlights:

I've been streaming the new MercyMe album, Lifer, since its release. Its theme: the victorious life in Christ we have after salvation. Just in time for Easter! One excerpt from the song "Best News Ever":

What if I were the one to tell you that the fight’s already been won? 
Well I think your day’s about to get better. 
What if I were the one to tell you that the work’s already been done? 
It’s not good news, it’s the best news ever!

Funny Stuff: 

Why dads have such a reputation... One dad photoshops his kids in dangerous situations just to terrify grandma:
