Technical Difficulties

Don't touch that dial!

My primary email address was suspiciously quiet today, prompting me to investigate with my host provider (since that email comes through my web site). I'm glad I checked, because I learned that my web site's domain name registration had expired. Since the site was created long ago by friends at a local church, their techie guys were listed as admins...not me. Somebody over there presumably got a strange email recently telling them to renew us, and now they have no clue who we are.

Thankfully we still have time to renew, and I'll get my email address working again. Better still, won't be taken over by evil aliens hawking unspiritual vices. So pray with me that this is resolved quickly and easily. In the meantime, should you need to reach me, you may use the email found here, in my profile.

It's free, so it will probably work forever.
