A Writers' Conference That Comes to You

If you're an aspiring writer and want to get a writers' conference in your inbox, consider joining The Writers' View. It's free. It's amazing. And, seriously, you'll learn everything you'd learn at a writer's conference (sans meeting cool people face to face), only you don't have to pay airfare.

How they work: Each Monday and Thursday a panelist poses a question about the publishing industry, the craft of writing, or anything related to the writing journey. These panelists are agents, editors, writers who are well known in the Christian writing industry. Then, panelists and members write posts about the question raised. I still learn new things every week. Some of the topics I've found most useful, and eye-opening, discuss how to find or when to change agents, fine print concerns in contracts, marketing tips, how to improve your fiction-writing skills, and others. It's fantastic.

It's a moderated loop, so there's no blatant self promotion. Word counts are limited to 250 per post.

For beginning to intermediate writers, the group to join is TWV 2. Click here.

For advanced, published writers, join The Writers View. Click here.

You will be asked to fill out an application that you then send to the group's leadership. You'll receive an email letting you know whether you've been accepted.
